
Endometriosis is a chronic benign disease that affects about 10% of women of childbearing age. It mainly affects young women between the ages of 25 and 35. However, the disease has been diagnosed in very young girls (aged 10–12 years) and in women over 35–40 years, in some cases even older, no longer fertile. The disease affects 10 percent of women of childbearing age between the ages of 15 and 45 in Hungary today. This condition occurs in 50-70% of patients with chronic pelvic pain and 80% of those with painful menstruation.
Recognition of endometriosis worldwide is an average of 6 years and there are a minimum of 8 doctors visits.

What is this mysterious disease?

According to Western medicine:
The term is derived from the Latin name for the inside surface of the uterus, the endometrium. The endometrium covers the inner layer of the uterine cavity, which gradually thickens during the menstrual cycle, becomes saturated with blood, and then detaches during menstrual bleeding. When it comes to endometriosis, it can be assumed that these tissues can adhere to other areas when they leave the uterus (most often around the uterus, in the uterine wall, on the lining of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, vagina wall, genital area, colon, rectum, bladder, urethra, in the scar of surgical procedures, less frequently in the kidneys, liver, lungs) and there they behave in the same way as in the uterus according to their function. They become saturated with blood every month, thicken and then bleed. And what do they cause?

Because there is no way for these tissues to exit the body, there are constant inflammations, organ adhesions, cysts, atrophy and scarring, even infertility.
The presence of endometrium increases the risk of ovarian cancer, however, most people do not develop malignant tumors.

“The extent and severity of endometriosis is often unrelated to the extent and intensity of symptoms. Furthermore, the symptoms can often indicate other, milder or more serious diseases (and can therefore be confused), and although they are rare, endometriosis does not cause any complaints at all. ”

Stages of endometriosis

There are four stages of endometriosis. In stage 1, few and small endometriotic nodules can be detected, while in stage 4 the disease affects several distant organs, the mucosa of the colon, small intestine, bladder, and vagina, and other areas are also full of endometrium.

The exact cause of the disease is unknown.

Endometriosis can develop at any age and often begins a few years after the first period. When menstruation is permanently delayed after menopause or is temporarily stopped due to pregnancy, the symptoms of endometriosis may also disappear.
However, complaints often recur after childbirth, and in some cases, hormone replacement therapy during menopause can cause relapse.
Endometriosis has been shown to primarily affect people in developed industrial countries.

Probable causes of endometriosis:

The exact cause of the disease is still unknown, but a number of factors are believed to cause the disease:

  • Frequent / regular medication and analgesic treatments
  • Persistent, low levels of inflammation in the body
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Chronic Stress (When someone is unable to process stressful situations in the long run, and this condition becomes permanent and leads to vital exhaustion, organ damage.)
  • Improper and hectic eating habits
  • Consumption of too many products of animal origin and processed food
  • Excessive consumption of oils and fats
  • Abdominal trauma (abdominal stress caused by an accident or surgery, regular extreme exercise in the lower abdomen)
  • Pollution effects (plastic, polluted air, polluted water, contaminated food)
  • Using a tampon
  • Contraceptive pill
  • Severely weakened immune system
  • Unprotected sex (Because endometriosis cells have already been discovered in men, sexual transmission occurs, especially with frequent partner changes.)
  • Large amounts of regular coffee and smoking
  • Unreasonable, excessive, and regular consumption of herbs and medicinal products (Herbs have valuable properties and can relieve symptoms or cure many diseases, but uncontrolled consumption of herbs can have side effects. It is advisable to use them temporarily or as a cure.)

Or most often: all of these together

Symptoms of endometriosis

Endometriosis can be mild, moderate or severe, and can worsen over time without attention. In some cases, no symptoms develop at all and the disease is only discovered during an examination or surgery for a completely different reason. In other cases, it may remain asymptomatic for years before the first symptoms appear.

Symptoms usually increase during menstruation. 

Small abnormalities can cause serious symptoms, but extensive endometriosis can also be completely symptom-free. Endometriosis can easily be confused with other pelvic diseases. Therefore, it is important to suspect endometriosis in all cases if typical symptoms are identified.


Warning sign can be:

  • Bleeding disorders:
    •  Spotting (bleeding between 2 periods)
    • Increased bleeding (increase in the amount of menstrual blood)
    • Blood clots
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Painful menstruation
  • Strong cramps
  • Flatulence-diarrhea-nausea with menstruation
  • Regular abdominal pain at other times, regardless of menstruation.
  • Common colds – Cystitis and Urinary tract infections (Cyclic pressure in the bladder or urethra, possibly bloody urine. The frequency of infections may indicate the presence of endometriosis.)
  • Other urinary complaints
  • Painful sexual intercourse (Sharp, stabbing pain)
  • Painful or difficult urination and defecation (Especially during menstruation, sharp, stabbing pain and bloating in the abdomen.)
  • Diarrhea or constipation, or an alternation of the two
  • Digestive problems
  • Frequent bloating
  • Food sensitivities and allergic reactions (Initially for hormone-containing products such as dairy products, eggs, meat, later for other ingredients such as gluten, oils and fats, preservatives, sugars, etc.)
  • Cyclic pain, cyclic bleeding (Because endometrial cells “menstruate” every month, symptoms can appear in the affected area at any time, be it anywhere in the body.)
  • Infertility (Endometriosis is often revealed only during infertility tests.)
  • Fatigue (Constant tiredness, nervousness, difficulty concentrating, weakness)
  • Pain radiating to the hips-thighs-waist-legs
  • Frequent cyclic epistaxis / blood spitting (in case of nasal and lung involvement)
  • Low progesterone and high estrogen
  • Obesity (Some people have increased estrogen levels leading to obesity.)
  • Constantly cold hands and feet – Low magnesium
  • (Estrogen overload causes magnesium deficiency.)
  • Low levels of T3 / rT3 thyroid hormone (Low thyroid function causes an increase in estrogen levels and can lead to irregular cycles, heavy bleeding.)
  • Candida infections (Candida fungus spreads more easily in the body if someone has an estrogen overload.)
  • PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome is a syndrome affecting the hormonal system that has symptoms similar to those of endometriosis and presumed causes. Its symptoms include gynecological, internal medicine, dermatological problems, and tumors. PCOS is common in estrogen-dependent diseases. considered a symptom of endometriosis.)
  • Hair loss and acne


A typical life course of endometriosis is to suffer from painful menstruation from a young age, possibly with irregular periods, for which the doctor recommends the use of the contraceptive pill. Over the course of a few years, the symptoms increase and may even develop new symptoms, which are misleading due to their complexity and may indicate other diseases, misleading the doctor and the patient. 

It is important to suspect endometriosis in the light of the multiple symptoms and the medical history. 

A further complicating factor is that most often the severity of the symptoms are not related to the severity of the endometriosis at all, or there are no symptoms at all and the suspicion of endometriosis is raised during a completely different routine examination.

Endometriosis can be diagnosed or confirmed by palpation followed by abdominal and vaginal ultrasound, CT, and MRI.

However, the two safest and most common examination methods are laparoscopic (inserting a small opening in the abdominal wall and performing abdominal mirroring followed by histological analysis) and, less commonly, laparotomy (surgery to open the abdomen completely).


At present, there is no treatment or drug that promises a secure cure or prevents recurrence. Medicine does not yet have enough knowledge to be able to really treat this disease effectively.

Medical treatment:

  • Medicines
  • Analgesics
  • Use of artificial menopausal hormones (where the goal is to temporarily suspend the cycle)
  • Surgery

In case of surgery it should be taken into account the age of the patient, the stage of the disease, the dominance of complaints, the outcome of previous interventions, existing children, and whether there is an intention to have a child. In case the goal is to get pregnant as soon as possible, they will start with surgery (hormone treatment is not available here) and after recovery, sexual attempts can be made or artificial insemination may be considered. Otherwise, hormonal therapy may be initiated to prevent ovulation, thereby inducing artificial menopause, which may temporarily relieve certain symptoms. However, we have to reckon with the side effects.

The treatments detailed above do not always result in symptom relief, and on the other hand, the symptoms of endometriosis and the disease itself may return after stopping treatment. The recurrence rate of endometriosis after surgery is on average from 3 months to 1.5 years.

In the case of more severe endometriosis, the uterus is removed, the ovaries are removed, the intestinal tract or other internal organs or removal of certain parts of them. However, this does not guarantee that endometriosis will not return.

Alternative solutions:

    • The Ayina Method
    • A complete change in diet (This is so important that it often eliminates symptoms on its own!) You can read about an endometriotic diet here
    • Targeted vitamin supplementation
    • Acupuncture / Ear acupuncture
    • Exercise therapy (Women’s gymnastics and Yoga)
    • Massage
    • Some kind of psychotherapy (to explore the spiritual causes)
    • Learning relaxation techniques

    Alternative healing is a gentle but longer journey where we need to take responsibility and persevere and invest our energies for the purpose. On the other hand (if it is not a life-saving surgery) it is more effective and lasting in the long run than any other symptomatic treatment.

    Overall, we can choose the options offered by modern medicine, or alternative gentle solutions, possibly a combination of the two. In both cases, the effectiveness of the treatments depends on a lot of factors, so it is completely individual.

    The choice is everyone’s own decision and individual responsibility.

    The Ayina method combines proper nutrition, targeted movement, relaxation, energetic exercises, and natural cycle regulation into a complex, holistic system with unique effectiveness.


  • Forrás:Az Egészségügyi Minisztérium szakmai protokollja Endometriosisról. Készítette: A Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Szakmai Kollégium
    www.endometriosis.ca/Facts -about-Endometriosis.pdf


If you are ready to change your life and be healthy again, improve your well-being and raise your quality of life then I look forward to seeing you in my Ayina course.

ATTENTION! EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY Viktoria Alexandra Varga isn’t a doctor,pharmacist, psychologist, dietitian or other health care worker. In that sense Viktoria Alexandra Varga does not provide medical, psychological or other health advice or treatment and does not make a medical diagnosis, treatment, prescribe medication or pills. Attending Ayina method courses and communication with Viktoria Alexandra Vargait is not a substitute for official medical or psychological counseling.

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Varga Viktória Alexandra nem orvos, nem gyógyszerész, nem pszichológus, nem dietetikus vagy egyéb egészségügyi dolgozó. Ennek értelmében Varga Viktória Alexandra nem nyújt orvosi, pszichológiai vagy más egészségügyi tanácsot vagy kezelést, és nem állapít meg orvosi diagnózist, kezelést, nem ír fel gyógyszert vagy orvosságot. Az Ayina Módszer kurzusokon való részvétel online és személyesen, és Varga Viktória Alexandrával  történő kommunikáció, és konzultáció nem helyettesíti a hivatalos orvosi vagy pszichológiai tanácsadást.

Az Ayina Módszer kurzusokon és konzultációkon elhangzott információkat a Résztvevő saját belátása és felelőssége alapján alkalmazza. Az Ayina gyakorlatokat mindenki saját felelősségére végzi. A gyakorlatok végzését illetően , résztvevő saját hibájából történő sérülés  és egyéb esetén minden felelősség a résztvevőt terheli. Varga Viktória Alexandra felelősségre nem vonható.

Az Ayina Módszer egy lehetőség az alternatívák közül.

A betegségek egyediségének, és a személy adottságainak következtében, és az adott személy motiváltsága és hajlandósága függvényében a valós eredmények eltérőek lehetnek. Ezért Varga Viktória Alexandra részéről felelősség nem vállalható.

Az online felületeken elérhető írásokban , a személyes kurzusokon és konzultációkon elhangzott információk, valamint és az online videókban feltüntetet és elhangzott tartalom nem minősül ígéretnek a gyógyulásra, ezért erre vonatkozóan garancia nem vállalható.

 A jelentkező az online vagy személyes kurzusokon, és konzultációkon való részvétellel, és a tanfolyami díj befizetésével az itt leírtakat tudomásul veszi és elfogadja.

Az Ayina Módszer kurzusokon, az egyéni konzultációkon, az online videókban, és a honlapon megadott információk nem helyettesítik az egészségügyi és orvosi ellátást, pszichológiai tanácsadást vagy hivatalos dietetikai tanácsadást.

Ön beleegyezik,és vállalja a felelősséget, hogy saját belátása szerint kikéri orvosa véleményét, mielőtt elkezdene bármilyen programot,kurzust,  kezelést vagy abbahagyná szedni orvosa által felírt gyógyszerét.

Ami a  honlapon, online kurzusokon egyéni konzultációkon, videókban, programokban, promóciókban, emailben  vagy közösségi média platformokon elhangzik vagy olvasható, nem számít orvosi tanácsnak, orvosi diagnózisnak, kezelésnek vagy orvosi receptnek. 

Varga Viktória Alexandra által adott információk és tanácsok nem értelmezhetőek ígéretként, gyógymódként, és nem garantálnak eredményeket. 

Varga Viktória Alexandra nem vállal garanciát sem jótállást a szolgáltatásaihoz és programjaihoz köthetően.

Ön megérti és beleegyezik abba, hogy felelősséget vállal a saját mentális és fizikai egészségéért, beleértve az étrendi és életmódbeli döntéseit és választásait.